
Tuesday, 8 November, 2016
David Greene, Head of Group Action Litigation in Ally Law Member Firm Edwin Coe, LLP, represented winning Claimant Dier Dos Santos in the high profile case of Santos and Miller v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (known as the “Article 50 challenges”).
Thursday, 13 October, 2016
In the United States, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and national origin.
Friday, 4 December, 2015
Asbestos exposure almost always occurs at a place of work, and the laws dealing with asbestos exposure vary from United States state to state. 
Tuesday, 13 October, 2015
Earlier this year we informed you of the new Clean Water Rule promulgated by the U.S.
Friday, 2 October, 2015
Current practice in using expert testimony in litigation requires attorneys apply Daubert and/or Frye standards to the proffered evidence in order for the court to determine the reliability – and thus admissibility – of a given expert’s opinions on the matter at issue.
Thursday, 3 September, 2015
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recently promulgated the new Clean Water Rule for the stated purpose of protecting “the streams and wetlands that form the foundation of the nation’s water resources.” The Rule includes a definition of “waters” of the United States which has far-reaching effects on water use by businesses and municipalities.