
E-Signature Regulations

Does your jurisdiction maintain a list of trusted entities to qualify e-signatures?

Hellenic Telecommunication and Post Commission is the competent Greek authority for the designation and supervision of providers of qualification services for e-signatures and has listed the following trusted entities to qualify e-signatures, published also in the Trusted List Greece (https://esignature.ec.europa.eu/efda/home/#/screen/home) of the European Commission …(please read more in the word document, sent by email)

Please provide a quick overview of the law, i.e., types of contracts that qualify for use with e-signature.

Greek Law 4727/2020 provides for the obligation of both the public (courts etc.) and private sector (individuals or legal entities) in Greece to accept as validly concluded all private documents executed using a qualified e-signature (i.e. an e-signature following the conditions set by eIDAS), to the extent such e-signed documents are circulated in electronic means. With regard to the printings of e-signed private documents, these are also …(please read more in the word document,sent by email)

What is the legality of e-signatures in your jurisdiction? Are there key exceptions?

Greece follows the definitions and classification of e-signatures by level of assurance, set by eIDAS and the relevant EU Directives. A qualified e-signature is treated in Greece as handwritten signature and therefore, a contractual document, which by law or agreement is required to be formulated in writing, that has been entered into by the use of qualified e-signatures, constitutes full evidence as to the content and the author thereof. …(please read more in the word document, sent by email)

What is the e-signature law enforceable in your jurisdiction?

E-signatures are valid in Greece and recognized by virtue of Law 4727/2020 on Digital Governance and Electronic Communications, which incorporated the recent Directives (EU) 2016/2101 and (EU) 2019/1024 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies and (EU) 2018/1972 establishing the European Electronic Communications Code, in combination with Regulation (EU) 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council … (please read more in the word document)

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