Our Future Leaders Group, comprised of early—and mid-career lawyers, meets in person and online to discuss their careers and develop relationships with their peers around the world.
We offer a Future Leaders Exchange Program that provides secondment opportunities for younger lawyers with other Ally firms. Participants build international connections and engage in career training and professional development while increasing cultural awareness.
The program also helps create enduring relationships and business development opportunities between member firms.
This program is especially beneficial for members with mutual clients, are in the same region, or have other common interests or goals.
Marty O’Hara
Much Law Chicago
“The entire experience was beneficial to both Ms. Chen and Much as each was able to learn from the other during the experience.”
Much Law was privileged to have Chen Yun from R&P Partners in China work in our office in Chicago, Illinois for four weeks through Ally Law’s Secondment Program.
Ms. Chen observed several practice group meetings, and was brought into client meetings where clients had a potential need for counsel in China. Ms. Chen additionally gave a terrific presentation to the Much attorneys regarding the practice of law in China which was interesting and informative.
Ms. Chen was introduced to judges in both the State and Federal system who discussed with her the court systems in the United States and learned from her regarding the system in China. The entire experience was beneficial to both Ms. Chen and Much as each was able to learn from the other during the experience.
Bodo Vinnen
Melchers Frankfurt
“Our colleague’s time in London was very enriching for us. He got to know a new working environment and made contacts with Ally Law colleagues which will now continue to be beneficial.”
The secondment programme is a very good possibility for MELCHERS to compensate the lack of offices abroad. It allows us to offer our lawyers and legal trainees an additional benefit that is attractive for their personal development and their career.
So far, we have welcomed a colleague from Austria, sent a colleague to London and are looking forward to a legal trainee’s stay in Vancouver this summer. A planned stay of a legal trainee in Hong Kong unfortunately failed due to Corona restrictions.
In particular, our colleague’s time in London was very enriching for us. He got to know a new working environment and made contacts with Ally Law colleagues which will now continue to be beneficial. Furthermore, he very much appreciated that we were able to offer him this opportunity and thereby we were able to increase his bond with MELCHERS.
As the programme is probably mainly used by young colleagues, we see it as an important element to secure and expand the cooperation of the Ally Law firms in the next generations.
Russel Shear
Edwin Coe England
“Secondments provide a rewarding opportunity for the host firm in absorbing a lawyer qualified in a different jurisdiction, assessing their ability to participate with client matters and determining other useful roles they can play during their secondment.”
The exchange strengthens the relationship between the host firm and the firm sending the secondee. It creates an enduring bond between the secondee and the host firm.
In my experience the secondments have been mutually beneficial both at a professional and social level. It allows the younger lawyers in the host firm and those who don’t actively participate in Ally Law to deepen their understanding of how the network works and also its benefits, as well as giving the secondee an insight into a different legal system and also a different cultural approach.
Secondments provide an interesting (but rewarding) challenge for the host firm in absorbing a lawyer qualified in a different jurisdiction, assessing their ability to work on client matters and determining what role they can play. In some of the secondments to our firm, the secondee has continued to work on their own firm matters whilst observing the hosts firm’s work and attending group meetings/social functions etc.
Shane Coblin
Kornfeld Vancouver
“When there is a seconded lawyer here it is a constant reminder that we are members of Ally Law, and this buzz
lasts long after the visiting lawyer has left.”
There are two benefits I have observed. First, it makes Ally Law top of mind for lawyers of all ages in our office. When there is a seconded lawyer here it is a constant reminder that we are members of Ally Law, and this buzz lasts long after the visiting lawyer has left.
Secondly, being able to offer young lawyers the ability to travel and work from another office is a perk that helps set us apart from other firms.
We work together to deliver local business intelligence and value with global depth and reach.