Does your jurisdiction maintain a list of trusted entities to qualify e-signatures?
Yes. Certifications for advanced electronic signatures are provided by qualified trust service providers (QTSPs). The Department of Electronic Communications of the Ministry of Communication and Works is responsible for monitoring QTSPs in order to ensure security products and services.
Please provide a quick overview of the law, i.e., types of contracts that qualify for use with e-signature.
While only qualified electronic signatures have been afforded equal legal status as handwritten signatures, electronic signatures cannot be denied in legal or corporate proceedings solely on the basis of the signature being in electronic form or not meeting the criteria for qualified electronic signatures.
Under the Law, even if the electronic signature does not meet the criteria for a qualified signature, it can be admissible in legal proceedings in Cyprus.
What is the legality of e-signatures in your jurisdiction? Are there key exceptions?
The Law recognizes three types of electronic signatures.
Electronic Signature: Data in electronic form which is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form, and which is used by the signatory to sign
Advanced Electronic Signature: An electronic signature which is uniquely linked to the signatory
Qualified Electronic Signature: An advanced electronic signature created with the use of a qualified electronic signature device and based on a qualified certificate.
What is the e-signature law enforceable in your jurisdiction?
On 13/6/2018 Cyprus introduced Law 55(I)/2018 (the “Law”) which incorporated the EU Regulation on Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions in the Internal Market (EU 910/2014). This regulation was implemented as part of the European Commission’s Digital Agenda (commonly known as “eIDAS”).
Georgiades & Pelides LLC
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