Nicaraguan Member Honored by World Bank

Minerva Bellorin, Director and Senior Partner at Aczalaw Nicaragua, was recognized for her contribution to the ninth in a series of annual studies measuring the laws that affect women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies by The World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law Project 2023.

Since launching the project in 2010, the World Bank has produced a series of reports entitled Women, Business and the Law, examining global progress in laws and regulations that affect women’s economic opportunities in 190 economies. As part of its effort to identify and examine barriers to women’s economic participation and encourage reform of discriminatory laws, the study includes research, a literature review and analysis of 53 years of reforms for women’s rights.

The ninth report in this series, Women, Business and the Law 2023, represents the joint contributions of thousands of lawyers, judges, civil society representatives and public officials in the 190 economies covered. In 2022, founder, partner and member of the board of directors of Ally Law member firm ACZALAW Nicaragua, Minerva Bellorín, had the honor of serving as an expert contributor to the publication. 

Minerva has more than 25 years of experience in corporate and commercial, labor, tax, foreign investment, public and private procurement, administrative and other areas of law. Named a leading lawyer by Chambers Global, Chambers Latin America and Latin Lawyer, and having studied law in Nicaragua, Spain and the United States, she is well positioned to provide information and commentary on the legal, regulatory and business issues facing women in Nicaragua. 

Minerva’s work with the World Bank is further demonstration of her commitment to helping expand economic opportunity for women in her home country and around the world.


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