
International Business Law

Sunday, 30 April, 2023
I. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS At present, guarantees of origin (GOs) are the only available mechanism for consumers in choosing (i.e., supporting) renewable sources of energy production; GOs have been designed at the EU level to support the financial viability of renewable energy projects and stimulate investments in the renewable energy sources (RES) sector.
Thursday, 12 September, 2019
The Tokyo High Court recently revoked the original administrative disposition of the National Tax Agency (hereinafter, the Tax Agency) regarding the tax treatment by Kokusai Kogyo Kanri Co., Ltd., a Japanese company (formerly Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd.; hereinafter, Kokusai Kogyo), of funds received from its U.S.
Monday, 3 June, 2019
On 28 May 2019, the World Health Organization announced a resolution encouraging Member States to “enhance public sharing of information on actual prices paid by governments and other buyers for health products, and greater transparency on pharmaceutical patents, clinical trial results and other determinants of pricing along the value chain from laboratory to patient.” The resolution also urged Member States to “work collaboratively to improve the reporting of information by suppliers on registered health products, such as reports on sales revenues, prices, units sold, marketing costs, and subsidies and incentives.” The Italian Ministry of Health reported the adoption of this resolution with triumphant tones, since the resolution was proposed by Italy and co-sponsored by Algeria, Andorra, Botswana, Brazil, Egypt, Eswatini, Greece, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Luxembourg, Malesia, Malta, Portugal, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Uganda and Uruguay.