The Czech Republic Gambles

The Czech parliament has approved new gambling legislation completely overhauling the existing 1990 Gambling Act. While the legislation still must be considered by the Senate of the Czech parliament, and signed by the Czech president, it is expected to become effective January 1, 2017.  The new law will allow foreign-based operators to obtain gambling licenses in the Czech Republic for the first time.  Operators targeting customers in the Czech Republic will be required to obtain a license from the Czech Ministry of Finance, which will be effective for a maximum of 6 years.  The licensee will be required to provide a surety and/or other guarantees.  The law introduces responsible gaming practices and operators will be required to offer and enable certain self-restricting measures to customers, depending upon the type of game.  Other obligations and reporting requirements are included in the legislation.  Tax rates of 23 – 35% will apply, depending upon the type of gambling business.

The Czech Republic Gambles

If you are contemplating operating a gambling business in the Czech Republic, or in any jurisdiction allowing gaming, seek counsel from an attorney at an Ally Law member firm to ascertain what laws apply to your operation and what steps to take to comply with them. Ally Law member firms around the world can help you with your gambling business – indeed, with business in any industry in which you are involved. For more information about our services in this area, contact us at

By Robert Skalina of WH Partners.